Gateway Baptist Church is founded upon the principles and doctrines established in the Word of God. These unchangeable truths were given by Jesus Christ and defended through the centuries by the blood of millions of believers who "kept the faith." Gateway Baptist Church aims to maintain the integrity of New Testament Baptist Churches and the keystones of our Baptist heritage.
The primary purpose of Gateway Baptist Church is to share the message that all men are sinners, but Jesus saves men from their sins. Gateway supports the spreading of the gospel locally and abroad through a thriving world outreach ministry. We realize daily strains and challenges facing Christians today require a practical and authoritative preaching and teaching ministry. Our church is helping build marriages, families, and relationships that please God. We are encouraging spiritual maturity in God's people by teaching how to apply Godly wisdom to everyday situations and nurturing Christian character that compliments Jesus Christ. Gateway is committed to unwavering standards amidst an ever deepening sea of casual Christianity calling upon professing believers to be like Christ in words and actions. To encourage an accepting spirit without compromise, we endeavor to produce an atmosphere of love and compassion, for Jesus said, "by this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another" (John 13:35).
The primary purpose of Gateway Baptist Church is to share the message that all men are sinners, but Jesus saves men from their sins. Gateway supports the spreading of the gospel locally and abroad through a thriving world outreach ministry. We realize daily strains and challenges facing Christians today require a practical and authoritative preaching and teaching ministry. Our church is helping build marriages, families, and relationships that please God. We are encouraging spiritual maturity in God's people by teaching how to apply Godly wisdom to everyday situations and nurturing Christian character that compliments Jesus Christ. Gateway is committed to unwavering standards amidst an ever deepening sea of casual Christianity calling upon professing believers to be like Christ in words and actions. To encourage an accepting spirit without compromise, we endeavor to produce an atmosphere of love and compassion, for Jesus said, "by this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another" (John 13:35).
The Bible plainly declares the penalty for sin is death. Without God's forgiveness, all men will die lost and spend eternity in hell. There is good news! God provides a way of salvation for those who are sorry for their sin and willing to turn from it. Jesus loves you and paid your sin penalty with His own life. You can be saved by accepting Jesus Christ as Lord, repenting of your unbelief and confessing your sin to God. (Romans 10:9). If you want to learn more about this message of hope, we'd love to help. .
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